Fill in the following form completely to install this version of Mihalism Multi Host. Once installed you can change these settings and others via the admin control panel.

Install Mihalism Multi Host v4.0.2
MySQL Host:
If you are unsure of your MySQL host please contact your hosting company before continuing.
MySQL Database Name:
This will be the table that all information related to your site will be stored in. The database name must already exist.
MySQL Username:
MySQL Password (optional):
We don't recommenced leaving this field empty.
Administrator Username:
Must be between 3 and 30 characters in length and only contain the characters: -_A-Za-z0-9
Administrator Password:
Must be between 6 and 30 characters in length. For more security we recommend that the password entered contains at least one numerical character.
Administrator Password (confirm):
Administrator E-Mail Address:
To be considered valid an email address can only contain the characters:   -_A-Za-z0-9